pp108 : Creating WS-AppServer Application Components

Creating WS-AppServer Application Components

This topic describes the procedure to create WS_AppServer application components.

WS-AppServer facilitates creating managed components under its default sub-component called 'applications'. The JMX functionality in WS-AppServer helps System Administrators to remotely monitor the WS-AppServer SOAP configuration and various managed components of different WS-AppServer-based applications.

The following Web service operation is used for creating the managed component in the BsfConnector class.

 * Creates a nested managed application sub-component inside
 * 'Applications' sub-component.
 * @param type  The type of sub-component. E.g. dbConnectionPool,
 * soapConnector, ldapCache, etc.
 * @param description  The description of the sub-component
 * @param componentImpl The object actually implementing the
 * sub-component
 * @return  The created managed application sub-component object.

public IManagedComponent createManagedApplicationComponent(String type, ILocalizableString description, Object componentImpl)

The sub-components are registered internally, which are handled by WS-AppServer. The following code is used for registering the WS-AppServer application sub-component.

In the following example,

  • sales is a type of component and represents the application
  • localizedMessage is an object implementing the ILocalizableString interface
  • object is the object implementing the sub-component
    import com.cordys.cpc.bsf.connector.BsfConnector;
    import com.cordys.cpc.bsf.connector.IOnBsfConnector;
    public class Initializer implements IOnBsfConnector
           public void onOpenConnector(BsfConnector connector)
                  //Application specific code
                  //To create a managed component for the application
                  connector.createManagedApplicationComponent("sales",Messages.APPLICATION_DESC, object)